
5300 Willow Creek Drive SW

Cedar Rapids, IA 52404

Phone: 319-368-7700

Fax: 319-368-7721

Access to the PMX web site (hereinafter the “Site”) by visitors is subject to the access conditions set out below. By using the Site, visitors unconditionally accept all the clauses below:
Content of the Site
The material published and/or reproduced on the Site (including by way of example, but not limited to: information, logos, graphical elements, pictures, trademarks etc., hereinafter “Information”) is the exclusive property of (or conceded by third parties in use to) PMX Industries, Inc. or the subsidiaries of PMX Industries, Inc. (hereinafter “PMX”). The content of the Site is available to visitors solely for personal use and not for commercial purposes.
Intellectual property rights
PMX actively protects its own intellectual property rights. The content published on the Site is protected by the law in force which sets out provisions on copyright and industrial property rights. The reproduction of even just a part of the Information is only allowed following prior written authorization from PMX. It is therefore forbidden to modify copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit or disseminate the content of this site without having obtained express prior written agreement from PMX. In particular, it is forbidden to copy the software which makes the Site work, create programs similar to such software, trace and/or use the source code of said software.
PMX does not use material covered by copyright of others without clearly indicating the holder of such copyright. The reproduction of such material, which may be contained on the Site, could be limited by the author and visitors might need to seek prior consent from the rights holder in order to reproduce it in other print and/or electronic publications.
Limits to responsibility
Although PMX strives to provide timely and accurate Information, it cannot guarantee that such Information is correct at the moment of publication or that it remains unchanged as time goes by. All services provided by PMX do not represent obligations upon it, therefore PMX expressly reserves the right, at any moment and without notice, to eliminate or modify in whole or in part the pages of the Site or the whole publication, without the possibility of this causing any responsibility against it.
PMX does not accept any responsibility for any inaccuracies and/or omissions relating to the material contained on the Site, nor can it be considered responsible for damage of any kind, direct or indirect, (including infections by IT viruses, which visitors’ equipment might suffer owing to access and/or interconnection with the Site and the download of its content) caused, suffered or determined by access to or use of the pages on the Site.
As a useful tool for visitors to the Site, PMX provides links which can direct visitors to web pages of sites other than this one. PMX declines all responsibility both for the content published in such sites and the use which third parties may make of it, and for any damage caused or originated on accessing such sites, interconnecting with them or downloading their content.
Effectiveness, applicable law and competent court
The above clauses are an integral part of the Site and are governed by applicable law. Should the single sections of the clauses be invalid, illegal or ineffective, the remaining parts will continue to be effective. Nonetheless, PMX reserves the right to take legal action to protect its rights.
Terms and Conditions for PMX Logos
PMX logos, signs, distinguishing marks and trademarks, web pages, screen images or other forms of identification (“Logos”) are a valuable asset which PMX actively protects. Therefore, anyone wishing to use the Logos – in accordance with the instructions provided on this page – must be in possession of an explicit authorization from PMX (“Authorization”). By issuing the Authorization, PMX grants the user a non-transferable, non-exclusive right to use the Logos free of charge, solely for the purposes and on the media specified therein.
In the event that users have a contract with PMX which establishes the procedures for use of the relative Logos, this approval procedure is not required, unless Authorization is requested for further uses not covered by the existing contract. Logos may be used without the prior written consent of PMX, in waiver of the above, solely in cases where the PMX web site carries a clear, explicit declaration that the Logos may be used without applying for authorization (e.g. search fields).
In all cases, the Logos must always be used in accordance with the conditions stated below, and the following in particular:
- use only graphic features approved by PMX;
- include a declaration clearly stating that the Logos are the property of PMX in the text;
- ensure that the Logo is appropriately distinguished from the surrounding text;
The following are not permitted:
- removal, distortion or modification, in any way and/or in any form, of even just one feature of the Logos beyond the criteria set by PMX;
- copying or imitation of the PMX trade dress, including the graphics of the PMX web design, the presentation of the Logos, or combinations of colors, printing features, graphic designs, product icons or images distinctively associated to PMX;
- adoption of trademarks, signs, slogans or designs which can be mistaken for the Logos;
- registration of the Logos as second level domain names;
- use of the Logos in a way which suggests a descriptive or general common meaning;
- reproduction of the Logos in a way which PMX considers, at its own absolute discretion, unethical, libelous, illegal, slanderous, or otherwise damaging to PMX;
- display of the Logos on any digital, paper or other medium, in a prominent position or in any way which gives the misleading impression of a relationship or affiliation to PMX, or a sponsorship or approval by PMX, or gives the false impression that the contents of the page have been created by PMX;
- display the Logos on any web site which contains or displays content for adults only;
- incorporate the Logos in the names of products and services, trademarks, signs or company names.
The rights connected to trademark ownership vary from country to country. In some countries, there are severe penalties under criminal and civil law for improper use of the registration symbol. Use of the registration symbol (®) in countries where the trademark has not been registered is thus not recommended.
PMX reserves the exclusive right to withdraw or amend the Authorization at its own discretion, and to undertake legal action against any use which does not meet these conditions, breaches any intellectual property right, or does not comply with the relevant legislation.